活かに専門の宿 山根屋 YAMANEYA(やまねや)|山根屋は、活かに専門店です。1年を通して、越前蟹を中心に、日本各地の旬で美味しく、生きている蟹が食べられる宿です。

Yamaneya is a specialty store. It is a hotel where you can eat delicious, live salmon at various seasons throughout Japan throughout the year.


Yamaneya's room rate guarantees that the reservation made on this site is the best rate (lowest price).

HOME > Reservation of the main building

Reservation of the main building

  • ○…Accommodation available
  • △…Only the remaining room
  • ×…No vacancy
  • ■…Regular fee
  • …Holiday fee
  • …New Year's fare

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